Broaden Your Horizons and Career Options With a Liberal Arts Degree

The phrase liberal arts has been a part of the English language for over 600 years, with uses dating back to the 14th century. It was a term borrowed from the Latin word liber, which translates into “free” or “unrestricted,” and was used to describe an education designed to encourage such vital skills as problem solving and creative thinking.
This is a proud tradition continued today in colleges and universities across the world. Not only do almost all majors require students to study general education courses that fall under the arts and humanities umbrella, but many majors are specifically liberal arts programs. Communications, history, anthropology, film, and music degrees are all examples of a liberal arts education.
Due to the very wide range of bachelor’s degrees available in the liberal arts category, it is hard to predict exact growth numbers for those seeking employment in this field. There is some significant need expected in specific areas though: for example, the need for technical writers is expected to increase by 15 percent between now and 2022, and interior designers will see an increase in demand for their services of 13 percent. Archivists, curators, and museum workers also enjoy a bright outlook, with 11 percent growth predicted in their industry.
In general, arts and humanities will have developed skills in written, oral, and visual communications, along with research competencies, flexible and creative thinking, and an appreciation for philosophy. As a student progresses in their major, they will gain proficiencies in specific subjects that are more specialized. The strength of a liberal arts education is in its adaptability: it teaches broadly applicable skills that create well-rounded people with the ability to pursue whatever definition of success they choose.
For instance, a degree in communications ensures proficiency in English construction and grammar and a mastery of written communiques. The basics of blogging, journalism, and public relations pieces are also covered, and depending on the focus of the studies one might also learn broadcasting techniques along with advertising and public relations methodologies. Those who graduate with a visual arts degree would have a firm grasp of art history, color theory, illustration, printmaking, layout, and design.
Again, because of the wide selection of degrees available to someone wishing to study liberal arts, there is an incredibly wide range of salaries available to graduates in this field. Some of the highest-earning jobs include design directors for advertising firms, who averaged a little over $100,000 in 2016, and executive editors, who averaged about $87,000 in the same year. Senior marketing directors averaged almost $140,000, and user experience managers took home about $101,000.
Perhaps the most appealing part of a liberal arts degree is the wide range of prospective employers who value the skill set that such an education provides. The top recruiters of liberal arts majors include The Walt Disney Company, the United Nations, the FBI, the NSA, the Peace Corps, and Apple. Google and Teach for America actively seek out liberal arts majors as well.
The benefits of a liberal arts degree are as wide-ranging as the subjects it covers. To learn more, contact today.