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Choosing the right school is a big decision. Many students want the institution they started their degree with to be the one from which they graduate. Transferring schools is not bad, but why go through the hassle if it is not necessary. How then does one find the right school? Here are some things to consider.
What is the school's history with the program you are looking into? Do they have notable alumni who have made significant advances in the field you want to get into? Also, is the school affordable? Schools that are not as popular and expensive as some century old schools in our country, can have just as good, and even better programs.
It can be very helpful to talk to an admission representative who is going to be prepared for these and other questions you probably will have and share with other prospective students. Having these conversations and doing your research can really pay off in the long run so that your education prepares you for the rest of your life.